Monday, January 15, 2007

Life with Ellie

We went out for a bit today on our own with Ellie...Lots of stares. When someone came up to us we showed them a card that explained that we came from America to Adopt Ellie. Many people thanked us and played with the baby.
Ellie is doing great...she just had her first stinky diaper with us! I know you all were dying to know! Shaun did most of the changing and I assisted...and yes, it was clean poo!


Anonymous said...

You look like a natural Cas! Hope you guys are having fun ,we all miss you!


Anonymous said...

We are having so much fun following your blog. This is something new and exciting for us. I will assume the "sick daddy" and the "fluttering mommie" have rallied to their new roles and are large and in charge of our China feet and all.
We want you to enjoy this experience of a lifetime in a far away land. It may just be an appetite wetter for future travels. Your daughter may be a descendent of one of China's great adventurers. She has certainly proven this so far...just look at the adventure she has provided you two.
Your loving Auntie S and Uncle R

Anonymous said...

Shaun and Cassie:

Thanks so much for taking the time to upload the pictures and keep us in the loop on your wonderful adventure.

Ellie is such a beauty. I know you are all very happy and will have a terrific life together.

Can't wait to meet Ellie in person.

Becky Rowley

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know....It has been really cold here. Yesterday they had to close Shea and Scottsdale because a waterline pipe broke and the water that spilled out on the street had froze. A few accidents occurred early morning which caused them to close the intersection. Us Arizonians just don't know how to deal with cold, snow, and/or ice. In Minnestoa they would never have closed an intersection because of ice....seems funny to me.
Love you and hope everyone is caught up on missed sleep and having fun. We love you. (hurry home).
Love you, Ken & Kim & kids

Anonymous said...

Your journey brings a tear to my eyes. What a wonderful God we have to bring together the three of you. Happy Family to you! From Camp Verde, Stacey Gagnon

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Amazing. Brings back so many wonderful memories of my own trip to Gansu when I met my daughter. The best day of my life.

Anonymous said...

Sharing this beautiful moment with you guys is so very special!! Your blogger-"family" is so proud and now we are one more :) Enjoy your beatiful little girl. Seeing you all together is such a joyous sight. Keep the pics coming...The raspberry vidio was a treat!
Love you,
Tiff and Deb